4 Common Foundation Repair Myths

Many homeowners react to needing foundation repair services with panic. How has my concrete foundation moved so much, they wonder, and why is my foundation contractor telling me the problem is over there when the cracking I see is over here? Common misconceptions about foundations and foundation repair have made this prospect a frightening one for homeowners, but there’s no need to worry. Our foundation and waterproofing professionals at Zablocki Waterproofing can handle any repair you may need. Let’s look at some common misconceptions regarding foundation repair, so you can be knowledgeable about and confident in the work we do for you.

Common Foundation Repair Misconceptions

Only severe flooding will affect my home’s foundation.

While flooding can be a factor in many home repair needs, your home’s foundation is subject to any water that comes into contact with it, and it doesn’t take a massive flood to cause problems. The soil around your foundation expands and contracts as it is exposed to and dried of rainwater. This can cause movement, pressure, and other foundational issues over time, especially when it comes to poorly waterproofed basements. To ensure your home is protected from the natural effects of rainwater, why not invest in exterior waterproofing?

My foundation problem is a concrete problem.

Many homeowners assume that because foundation problems often reveal themselves in cracked or heaved concrete, it must be a problem with the concrete. On the contrary, your home’s foundation is not going to move or degrade unless outside forces, such as water, soil, pests, etc., work against it. For example, your foundation might have sat perfectly level when first installed, but shifting soil beneath it has caused it to heave upwards.

The cracks in my foundation tell me where the problem is.

Many homeowners assume that once they’ve located signs of cracking, they’ve also identified the source of the problem. Unfortunately, foundation repair is rarely this simple. A crack on one part of your foundation may be the result of movement in a completely different part of the house. The crack is actually the point at which the pressure was released, not necessarily where it originated.

I should avoid purchasing a home with a foundation problem.

This may seem like an intuitive decision for any prospective homeowners who aren’t looking for a project house, but a foundation problem shouldn’t eliminate options off of your house hunting list. Repairs and rebuilds are more than possible with today’s modern technology, equipment, and tools, and a newly repaired, reinforced, and waterproofed foundation may be the perfect way to begin your life in your new home stress free.

Is your basement damp or wet in places? Do you see cracking? Do some of your doors no longer close right? Don’t let a foundation problem eat away at the structural stability of your Milwaukee home. The foundation repair professionals at Zablocki Waterproofing can locate the cause of your foundation problem and provide you with a free estimate on what it will take to fix it. Get a consultation today.