Tag Archive for: waterproofing contractors

basement waterproofing in milwaukeeIt might seem like every home on your street has had their basement finished, and now you might be thinking about doing it, too. Our Milwaukee team is busy helping families with basement waterproofing services before they start finishing the space in order to protect their investment. So why are so many people finishing their basements?

More Multi-Generational Households

More and more families are living together in one home. Maybe your post-college grad moves home until they find a better paying job or your mom and dad need family close by during their retirement years. Whatever the reasons, more family members means you need more space, and the basement can be the perfect way to expand your living space without moving.

Great for Your Property Values

A properly finished basement can be a great way to increase the market value of your home. Adding additional bedrooms and bathrooms is especially valuable. Increased properly value means you’ll have access to more equity in your home, too. The key is to make sure you do things like basement waterproofing, or else you could actually hurt the value of your home.

Helps Sell a Home in a Competitive Market

It’s a really competitive housing market right now, so if you are trying to sell your home you’ll want to do everything you can to not only attract buyers but get the most out of your home that you can. Finishing a basement can make a home much more attractive, giving the buyer more livable space and more options for their family. If you plan on selling soon, it might be worth the investment.

If you are ready to finish your basement, let our team start the job! We offer basement waterproofing to ensure you don’t get water seepage into your walls, which could severely damage your investment into your home. We also offer basement wall support beam installation which can straighten the walls in your basement and make the foundation of your home safer and sturdier. Contact us today by clicking the button below to learn more about our Milwaukee basement services!

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zablocki-basementWhether you need a larger office space, want to put in a home gym, need another bedroom constructed, or want to add a whole new apartment you can use as a source of income, finishing your basement is a great option for expanding your household’s living space or even bringing a new household into your home. An unfinished basement is the ideal canvas for just about any home renovation project, but before you start you’ll want to be sure no water intrusion is going to ruin your completed masterpiece. Why not invest in basement waterproofing services from the expert waterproofing contractors at Zablocki?

Keep Your New Basement Space Warm & Dry

You don’t want to go through the entire process of framing your unfinished basement, putting in new electric and plumbing architecture, and getting all the walls up just to discover a moisture problem is threatening to ruin all of your hard work. Be sure to identify any water intrusion problems before you start your project to avoid costly repairs and even more work. One prevalent DIY method for testing your basement for moisture problems is the plastic sheet method, but the results from these sorts of tests are typically unquantifiable and poor indicators of the real problem. Rather than putting your faith in unreliable DIY tests, be sure to seek professional advice.

Contact the Basement Waterproofing Professionals

To truly ensure a warm and dry finished basement, get in touch with your local basement waterproofing contractors. Only they will have the knowledge and experience to efficiently inspect your foundation, identify any moisture problems, and take care of any needed repairs or waterproofing systems. At Zablocki Waterproofing, we want you to feel confident that your finished basement will remain dry for years and years to come. Give us a call, or contact us online to schedule your free cost estimate.

whyzablockiWhen it comes to choosing the best foundation repair company to handle your home’s structural needs, it’s important to find a team of professionals with certain qualities. Here at Zablocki Waterproofing, we’ve been keeping Milwaukee and surrounding areas dry since 1985, and we take pride in providing our customers with efficient work at fair, affordable prices. All you have to do is listen to what our past customers have to say to understand our commitment to quality service.

Why choose Zablocki?

We keep our customers educated and informed.

Have you ever encountered contractors who talk to you as if you’re twelve years old, don’t explain the motivation or purpose behind what they’re doing, and ultimately keep you so far in the dark you couldn’t say exactly which parts of your home they worked on? You won’t have to worry about dealing with that sort of service from our teams. Alexandria from Racine said it perfectly when she explained in a review of our business,

“If I had a question they [the workers on hand] took the time to explain the detailed process.”

We provide free estimates and inspections.

When you have a moisture or structural problem with your foundation or basement, the last thing you need is someone charging you just to come up and let you know what’s wrong with your home. Here at Zablocki Waterproofing, we offer our customers free consultations and inspections, so you’ll be completely informed on what’s going on before any other step is taken.

Don’t wait to address your foundation repair or waterproofing need. Even a small moisture problem can become a costly issue if left unchecked. You can get in touch with us by calling or contacting us online.

waterMany rooms in basements feature full-sized windows and window wells, which keep the soil and groundwater from reaching the window while also providing enough space to allow natural sunlight to illuminate the basement level. If your home features one or more window wells, you may already understand the disastrous consequences of failing to maintain them correctly. Have you ever looked out of your basement window to find nothing but a double-paned wall of glass between you and the foot and a half of water collected in your window well or come home to a flooded basement because of a failed window seal? Keep reading to learn three tips for proper window well maintenance.

3 Window Well Maintenance Tips

Even a little moisture can become a big problem.

Although a minuscule leak in your second story window may not be cause for immediate concern, even a small amount of moisture getting through your basement windows can spell disaster the next time a massive rainstorm hits the Milwaukee area. Keep an eye out for signs of moisture, such as mold growth, puddles directly below the window, frame wood rot, etc., and call a professional to take care of your basement waterproofing needs as soon as possible if you notice signs that water is getting in. Ignoring moisture in or around your window well may lead to significant basement flooding in the future.  

Don’t neglect an aging window well.

If your window well is displaying significant signs of age, then it may be time to replace it. Do you notice that the metal has rusted or is showing other significant signs of wear, such as scrapes or warps? Is the window well liner separating from the structure of your home? Has your window well stopped draining properly? It may be tempting to simply make spot repairs and move on, but window wells were never designed to be permanent and will need to be replaced eventually. Be sure to replace your aging window well before a drain, seal, or glass failure results in expensive repairs.  

Have your windows and wells inspected annually.

The best thing you can do to prevent damage caused by a failing window well is to have your window wells inspected on a yearly basis. You can complete the inspection yourself, but this can be difficult for homeowners, especially in finished basements where drywall and materials may be hiding a moisture problem. If you’d like a professional to complete your inspection, contact the basement waterproofing experts at Zablocki Waterproofing. We’ve been keeping Milwaukee dry since 1985!

flood 2Although floods are by no means regular in Milwaukee, we’re no strangers to rapidly rising water levels. To embrace a cliche, it’s better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to contending with such a powerful force as flood waters. Are you and your household prepared for a flood incident? If not, keep reading for some tips on preparing for a flood.

Packing Your Emergency Go Bag

In ideal circumstances, you’ll be able to evacuate the area long before flood waters reach your home, but you’ll likely still need to leave very quickly. Prepare an exit strategy beforehand, which includes getting out of your home and an evacuation route. Because you’ll be rushing out of your house, you’ll have little to no time to grab anything, so prepare a go bag ahead of time. What will go into your go bag is ultimately up to you, but here are a few suggestions:bag

  • Important policy numbers and phone numbers.
  • Basic first aid supplies, toiletries, and backup medications.
  • Food, water, and a plan for water purification.
  • Strike anywhere matches, flint and steel, or other fire starting tools.
  • A hand crank radio or one that runs on batteries, solar, etc.
  • Soap, toilet paper, and other items important for sanitation.
  • A whistle, knife, compass, signal flare, and other survival gear.

Basic Flood Safety Tips

flood 3When it comes to staying safe in flood situations, the most important thing to remember is that even a little bit of water can be a powerful force. It only takes half a foot of water before the force is strong enough to sweep you off of your feet, and just two feet of water will do the same to your vehicle. Avoid walking, driving, or swimming through flood waters. Besides the power, these waters are also probably contaminated with sewage, industrial bi-products, and other substances you don’t want to expose yourself to. The best way to stay safe during flood conditions is to seek higher ground as quickly as possible and avoid moving water.


Does your home need basement waterproofing services after heavy rains or flood conditions in the Milwaukee area? Contact Zablocki Waterproofing.

caution wet floorOut of all the moisture issues Wisconsin homeowners must face, a flooded basement can be one of the most intimidating. Even such a small amount as a couple inches of water in your basement can cause immeasurable damage, so it’s important to take action as soon as possible to solve the problem and clean up the mess. Keep reading for some helpful tips for cleaning up your basement after it is flooded. Not sure what’s causing your flooding problem? The foundation repair and basement waterproofing experts at Zablocki Waterproofing can locate the source of your moisture issue.

Cleaning Up Your Basement After It’s Flooded

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breakerSafety First

First things first, stay safe during your cleanup efforts. The very first thing you want to do before you even venture into the affected area of your home or commercial building is to cut off that area’s electricity. We all know what happens when we combine water with electricity, so be sure to cut the power before you do anything else. The second thing you want to do before venturing into the depths of the structure is suit up. Even if the flood was caused by excessive rainwater, there’s no telling what sort of bacteria and other illness-inducing things could be floating around in that water. You can opt to wear whatever protective gear you find necessary, but we recommend waterproof boots and gloves at a minimum. Lastly, if possible, get some fresh air moving by opening up some doors and windows.[grid_row_close]

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moving couchClear the Area

Once you’re sure that there is no power being routed to the flooded area, it’s time to start actually flexing those muscles. Begin by removing all electronics and any other belongings you can. Then, move whatever furniture you can. The quicker you move your things out of the water, the more likely it is that you’ll be able to save some of your stuff. Be sure to remove all rugs, and if the flooded area is carpeted, that will also need to be removed. Do your best to have fun with this part. If you sort through all of your waterlogged stuff with a negative attitude, the rest of the cleanup will only be more stressful.  [grid_row_close]

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spilling waterRemove the Water

The important thing here is to remove all standing water from your basement to prevent mold growth and other moisture problems. Depending on the amount of water you’re looking at, you may be okay with towels and mops, or you may need to rent a sump pump from your local hardware store. You may also opt to use a wet vacuum, but be cautious of where you plug it in, and avoid using extension cords. Either dump the water down the toilet if you have working plumbing, or dump it into other areas that will soak it up, such as your lawn. You may use the drains in your home, but hair other debris in the water may cause backup issues.[grid_row_close]

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dehumidifierDry the Area

If the flood affected any baseboards, drywall, subfloor, etc., you’ll want to remove this first to avoid mold growth. Once the basement has been cleared of all affected materials, it’s time to let it dry. You can use fans to speed up the process and open windows and doors. You may also opt to run a dehumidifier to limit the moisture in the air, but close the windows first, or you’ll be attempting to dehumidify all of Wisconsin. You may be disappointed to discover how much of your old building materials must be thrown out, but just think about all of the mold growth opportunities you’re eliminating.[grid_row_close]

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cleaning suppliesDisinfect the Area

Standing water plays host to all manner of bacteria and other nasty things, so be sure to disinfect every single surface that was touched by the water, and we do mean with a powerful disinfectant and something to scrub with. Be sure to also scrub any furniture you’re planning on salvaging from the flood. Anything and everything you’re planning on keeping that had contact with the water should get a good scrub down.[grid_row_close]

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trash cansSort Through Your Stuff

This part is never fun, but you’ll need to determine what can be saved and what needs to be thrown out. This will really depend on how much water was present in your basement and what types of belongings you had down there. Pillows, stuffed animals, and down blankets that have been soaked through should probably be thrown away while a blanket that only got a bit damp on one side can probably just go through the wash. Be sure to be responsible in the disposal of toxic chemicals, electronics, furniture, etc. Lastly, protect yourself from illness by not taking any chances. If something looks too waterlogged to be savable, then just throw it away.[grid_row_close]

We hope you never have to deal with flooding in your basement, but we hope these tips help you out if you do. Do you need foundation repair or basement waterproofing services in the Milwaukee area? Contact Zablocki Waterproofing, your leading foundation repair and waterproofing experts.

gutter with leavesHere at Zablocki Waterproofing, we’re Milwaukee’s Top Rated Local® foundation and basement waterproofing contractors. When water makes its way into your home and begins to compromise its integrity, we’re the experts you need to identify and solve the moisture problem. We’re in the business of stopping the destructive power of water from destroying your home, but there are many things you can do as a homeowner to stop these problems from happening in the first place. Your home’s first line of defense against rain water is the rain gutter system. Keep reading to discover why exactly these systems are so important.

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The Purpose of Rain Gutters

When rainwater falls against the exterior of your home, gravity naturally wants to bring that water to settle around the foundation. By installing a rain gutter system on your home, you’re redirecting that flow of rainwater away from the base of your home, allowing the water to soak into the ground
away from the foundation. Rain gutters also protect the exterior paint of your home because they reduce the flow of water down the sides.

The Importance of Rain Gutters

Without rain gutters, rainwater would be allowed to settle and soak into the soil around the foundation of your home. This excessive moisture compromises the stability of the soil, causes erosion, wreaks havoc on your exterior doors, and, of course, can cause basement flooding and/or significant damage to your home’s foundation. Keep your rain gutters clean and well-maintained to prevent this sort of damage from happening to your home.

Keeping Your Gutters Clean

cleaning guttersYou’ll have to decide how often you need to clean your gutters for yourself because this depends on many variables, including the structure’s proximity to trees and your home’s roofing material, but homeowners tend to have to do this twice a year on average. When you clean your gutters, you’re clearing them of everything that has built up over the past months, such as leaves, asphalt shingle granules, soil, animal nests, etc. in order to prevent damming. When your gutters get dammed up, this can cause water to enter the structure of your home and seep down to the foundation.  

Keep your home protected against water damage with a properly-installed rain gutter system, and be sure to keep it clear of any debris. And remember you typically need gutter cleaning every year if there are trees / leaves near your home.

If your foundation or basement is already experiencing the signs of a moisture problem, such as dampness, cracking, or a musty smell, contact the basement waterproofing experts at Zablocki Waterproofing. We offer free consultations!

If you’re considering building yourself a new home, waterproofing your basement walls may not be at the top of the list of things you’re thinking about. A little mental effort now will be well worth it in the long run, though. We’ve come up with a list of things to consider when you’re working through the homebuilding process.

Landscaping Your Lawn
You might be tempted to think no further than what type of landscaping looks good, but it’s important to build out your landscape with proper drainage in mind. With a little brainstorming, you can have the best of both worlds. A well-landscaped lawn can be pleasing to the eye and functional when it’s done right.

Gutters don’t have much to do with waterproofing basement walls, do they? They can help your home much more than you think. Giving your lawn room to absorb water can make a huge difference in keeping your basement water-free. Extending the spouts farther from the house spreads out the water further from the house. Keeping gutters free from leaves is your first line of protection.

Trees and Plants
Keeping your lawn full of trees and shrubs is a great idea, and it can really make your place look beautiful. Just be sure that they’re in the right place where they won’t damage water lines with their roots.

These are just a few ways you can supplement waterproofing basement walls when building a new house. As always, Zablocki Waterproofing is here to help, so give us a call today if you need help thinking through a strategy to ensure basement waterproofing in Milwaukee!


Basement leak repair is no joke. One of the key components is proper utilization of drain tiles. Sometimes they’re called rubble drain, clay tile, and, probably more commonly, French drains. Maybe you’ve heard of drain tiles and you may know that they’re something that’s used in basements, but do you know what they actually do? Consider this post Drain Tile 101.

Drain tile is usually buried under a bed of stone which allows for efficient drainage and is perforated so that water can enter easily. Additionally, drain tile is usually round, but can also be square; keep in mind that the shape of the drain tile doesn’t make a difference and won’t affect the way the water flows. Because clay soil holds water and prevents it from draining away from your home, drain tiles are necessary. They are placed underneath your basement floor and carry water to your pump that propels water out of your home. Although many companies treat basement leak repair like it requires a major excavation, Zablocki Waterproofing can usually pinpoint which area is causing trouble and fix only the necessary drain tiles. We also install plastic that runs from the base of your interior walls into the drain tiles to make sure that your drain tiles drain properly during times of excessively heavy rain.

If you’re in need of a basement leak repair, give us a call today at (414) 439-0700. We’ve been keeping Milwaukee dry for nearly 30 years and we’ll give you exactly the type of care you deserve for your home. Contact us today!

Everyone wants a waterproof basement, and thanks to modern technology and a good waterproofing contractor, we can set your home up to be in good shape when the rain comes. Zablocki Waterproofing has the experience to give you an ideal scenario in terms of cost-effective solutions to your property, but is there anything you can do for yourself? Keeping your window wells from flooding will go a long way towards your goal of having a waterproof basement. Here are the benefits and drawbacks of using window wells in your basement.


  • In addition to letting in plenty of beautiful, natural light, a window downstairs can help your home to stay cool
  • Thanks to their ventilating properties, your home won’t smell damp or musty, and you can actually enjoy being in your basement.
  • Window well covers can take the punishment of a bad storm with ease while keeping your windows looking good.


  • When done improperly, a window well can flood, completely destroying any hopes you had for a waterproof basement.
  • Be sure that the drain on your window well is functioning properly because if it isn’t, water will back up into the well.
  • The drain can become clogged with dirt, leaves, and other leftover bits of landscaping materials.

If an unfortunate event has occurred and you’re in need of waterproofing services, give Zablocki Waterproofing a call. We’ll ensure that you have a waterproof basement in Milwaukee, and we never oversell our services. Contact us today for a free consultation!