Top Four Signs You Need Basement Waterproofing ASAP

Don’t Wait For the Flood

When you think of waterproofing your basement, you may think that it safeguards against floods and large spills or leaks. While it absolutely does, there are other, smaller issues that can lead to bigger, more expensive cleanups. Many of these tell-tale signs start slowly, with just a trickle or a drip and, before you know it, you’ve got foundation problems, mold, and a whole host of unsavory issues going on in your basement. However, avoiding these issues is much easier than you think — so long as you know what you’re looking for. Curious about how to avoid these issues? Take a look below and see if your basement could benefit from basement waterproofing today.


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Sign Number Four: Humidity

Basements are notorious for capturing both cold and heat. Since they’re almost always constructed with concrete and left unfinished (without carpet, walls, etc.), they are prime suspects for holding onto extreme temperatures. This makes them perfect locations for humidity to hang out. And, with most of our clients being close to the lake, humidity is a common problem we come across when we work out waterproofing magic.

While the Milwaukee area may not be known for humidity levels that are common in the South, it does get quite humid, leaving basements vulnerable to high levels of humidity that can wreak havoc on our basements. Humidity is a clear indication that water from somewhere is getting into your basement. A quick solution to this is to purchase a dehumidifier (we highly recommend this). While dehumidifiers work well, they’ll do little to assist when humidity levels rise. If the humidity has begun to penetrate your walls, it may well lead to efflorescence. What’s efflorescence, you ask? Take a look below to find out.


Sign Number Three: Efflorescence

If you’ve ever walked into your basement and seen something that resembles a crudely painted tie dye stain of sorts on your wall or floor, it’s likely that that’s efflorescence. Efflorescence involves soluble salt deposits making their way to the surface of concrete. While efflorescence isn’t a major problem in and of itself (despite being a not-so-aesthetically pleasing sight), it’s a sure sign that water is finding its way into your basement. How? The art project/oil spill-looking deposit that it leaves behind has trapped the soluble salts. When water finds its way in and out of the concrete, it grabs loose, dissolvable particles along with it. Once the water has evaporated, you and your basement are left with crystallized powder …until the process begins again. Take steps to ensure that you won’t be dealing with efflorescence and have the pros at Zablocki treat your basement today.


Reason Number Two: Weird Smell

We’re not suggesting that your basement should smell like roses but good on you if it does! While basements aren’t known for emitting the best smells, there’s a difference between a basement having “that basement smell” and, “oh, wow, does my basement smell.” Rarely does this smell come out of nowhere. Often, this stench is being emitted from mold, another common problem among damp or leaky basements. Mold can lead to serious health issues as well, making the need to prevent it (or get rid of it) all the more important.


Reason Number One: Dampness and Mold

It may seem like basements are naturally damp places. While they certainly can be and often are, that doesn’t mean that it’s regular presence is a good sign for your basement. Even if your basement seems fairly dry, but you’re noticing growing and retracting (or just growing), pools or water stains, then it’s time to call Zablocki to get in there and take care of your water problems. This dampness doesn’t always necessarily mean that there’s a leak somewhere; heavy rains or snowmelt are common culprits in turning our basements into leaky, damp areas that could sorely benefit from basement waterproofing. Once mold settles in, it spreads rather quickly, making it all the more pressing to get it taken care of once you notice its presence in your basement.



Even if you feel your basement is in pristine condition, there’s still the risk of your seemingly clean and clear basement becoming damp and mold-ridden. Now that you know some of the common signs that can lead to basement problems, you can keep an eye out for any of these tell-tale signs that all but ensure a coming wet basement. Before it comes to that, give the pros at Zablocki Waterproofing a call to get in there before winter and snow arrive to ensure that your basement won’t become a breeding ground for efflorescence, mold, and all of the trouble that comes along with a wet basement. As always: Choose Quality. Choose Zablocki.